
2022年10月24日—HellisOthers是一款類塔科夫的PvPvE遊戲,玩家在遊戲開頭會收到一個盆栽,上面附了一封信寫著「每天澆水,我會在十天後來領回」,,Auniquehardcoreextractionexperience,HellisOthersallowsyoutoprogressyourcharacterthroughcustomizableitemsyouobtainforyourapartment.Grow ...,陌客不僅渴望你的鮮血,也會為了自身目的,掠奪你收集到的珍貴道具。PVE這座城市充滿了世間未知的惡魔。孽物會出沒於各條巷道、...

【討論】《Hell is Others》俯瞰視角的塔科夫式遊戲

2022年10月24日 — Hell is Others 是一款類塔科夫的PvPvE遊戲, 玩家在遊戲開頭會收到一個盆栽, 上面附了一封信寫著「每天澆水,我會在十天後來領回」,

Hell is Others on Steam

A unique hardcore extraction experience, Hell is Others allows you to progress your character through customizable items you obtain for your apartment. Grow ...

Hell is Others

陌客不僅渴望你的鮮血,也會為了自身目的,掠奪你收集到的珍貴道具。 PVE 這座城市充滿了世間未知的惡魔。孽物會出沒於各條巷道、商店門口、人行斑馬線,靜待最佳時機一舉 ...

Hell is Others

A unique, multiplayer online extraction game, Hell is Others allows you to progress your character by way of customizable items you obtain for your apartment.

Hell is Others

2023年1月26日 — A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a place where blood is literally ...

Hell is Others | Download and Buy Today

2023年1月26日 — Hell is Others is an extraction top-down shooter. Outside the safety of your apartment lies the noir hellscape that is Century City. A city of endless night that straddles the line between reality and insanity. Explore, hunt, and loot in a

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Area loot by type, Vendor & Quest NPC locations, Monster drops and HP, Octave's daily buy list. Additional Item, Loot, Quest, Monster and Gameplay Tips!